30 Day Declutter Challenge

Do you find yourself surrounded by clutter, feeling overwhelmed and unable to enjoy your living space to the fullest? If so, it’s time to embark on a transformative journey by taking on the 30-Day Declutter Challenge.

This challenge is designed to help you clear the physical and mental clutter that may hold you back, allowing you to create a more organised, serene, and functional environment.

Over 30 days, you’ll tackle different areas of your home, one step at a time, and experience the liberating benefits of decluttering.

Get ready to simplify your life and embrace the joys of a clutter-free space.

Day 1: Entryway

  • Start with the entryway of your home.
  • Clear out any shoes, coats, or other items that don’t belong there.
  • Create a designated space for shoes, hang up coats, and organise any other items in this area.

Day 2: Kitchen Benchtops

  • Clear off all items from your kitchen benchtops.
  • Sort through appliances, utensils, and other items, keeping only what you use regularly.
  • Find proper storage for the items you decide to keep.

Day 3: Kitchen Cabinets

  • Empty one kitchen cabinet at a time.
  • Wipe down the empty cabinet and declutter the items.
  • You can organise the remaining items in a way that makes sense for your needs.

Day 4: Pantry

  • Remove all items from your pantry shelves.
  • Check expiration dates and discard any expired or stale food.
  • Group similar items together and consider using storage containers or baskets to keep things organised.

Day 5: Living Room

  • Declutter the living room by sorting through books, magazines, and other items.
  • Donate or sell books you no longer want and find a designated spot for the ones you keep.
  • Clear out any unnecessary decorative items and create a clean, inviting space.

Day 6: Bathroom

  • Remove all items from bathroom cabinets, drawers, and benchtops.
  • Dispose of expired or unused products.
  • Organise toiletries and other bathroom essentials, creating designated spaces for each category.

Day 7: Bedroom Closet

  • Empty out your bedroom closet completely.
  • Sort through clothing, shoes, and accessories, keeping only what you wear and love.
  • Consider donating or selling items that no longer fit or suit your style.

Day 8: Bedroom Dresser

  • Clear off the top of your dresser, removing any clutter.
  • Sort through clothing in the drawers, folding and organising them neatly.
  • Consider using dividers or small storage bins to keep items separated.

Day 9: Home Office

  • Organise paperwork and files on your desk.
  • Shred or recycle any unnecessary documents.
  • Create an organised system for important papers and supplies.

Day 10: Media Collection

  • Sort through your DVDs, CDs, and other media items.
  • Donate or sell items you no longer watch or listen to.
  • Create a designated storage space for the media you decide to keep.

Day 11: Laundry Room

  • Clear out clutter from your laundry room.
  • Dispose of empty containers, expired products, and old cleaning supplies.
  • Organise laundry essentials, such as detergent and stain removers.

Day 12: Garage or Storage Room

  • Declutter your garage or storage room.
  • Sort through items, keeping only what you need or use.
  • Donate or sell items that are in good condition but no longer serve a purpose for you.

Day 13: Linen Closet

  • Empty out your linen closet.
  • Sort through towels, sheets, and other linens, discarding any that are worn or no longer needed.
  • Fold and organise the remaining items, creating a neat and functional space.

Day 14: Home Decor

  • Assess your home decor items.
  • Remove any items that no longer fit your style or bring you joy.
  • Rearrange and display your favourite pieces in a way that enhances your space.

Day 15: Digital Clutter – Emails

  • Dedicate time to decluttering your email inbox.
  • Unsubscribe from newsletters or mailing lists you no longer read.
  • Create folders and filters to organise incoming emails.

Day 16: Digital Clutter – Computer Files

  • Sort through files on your computer.
  • Delete duplicates, unnecessary documents, and outdated files.
  • Organise remaining files into folders for easy access.

Day 17: Digital Clutter – Photos

  • Go through your digital photos, deleting duplicates and blurry images.
  • Organise photos into folders or albums based on events or themes.
  • Consider backing up your photos to a cloud storage service.

Day 18: Kids’ Rooms

  • Declutter your children’s bedrooms.
  • Involve your kids in the process and encourage them to donate or sell toys they no longer play with.
  • Organise remaining toys, books, and clothing in a way that is accessible for them.

Day 19: Home Office Supplies

  • Sort through office supplies, discarding dried-out pens, broken pencils, and other unusable items.
  • Organise remaining supplies, such as paper clips, sticky notes, and folders.

Day 20: Junk Drawer

  • Empty out your junk drawer.
  • Discard any items that are no longer useful or don’t belong there.
  • Organise the remaining items with small containers or dividers.

Day 21: Outdoor Spaces

  • Declutter your outdoor spaces, such as the patio, balcony, or backyard.
  • Clear out any broken or unused furniture, gardening tools, or other items.
  • Create an inviting and functional outdoor area by arranging furniture and organising gardening supplies.

Day 22: Car or Garage Storage

  • Clean and declutter your car.
  • Remove any trash, unnecessary items, or expired documents.
  • Organise the items you need to keep in your car, such as emergency supplies or maps.

Day 23: Kitchen Appliances

  • It’s time to declutter those kitchen appliances, including blenders, mixers, and toasters.
  • Consider donating or selling appliances you no longer use or have duplicates of.
  • Clean and organise the remaining appliances in cabinets or on benchtops.

Day 24: Sentimental Items

  • Sort through sentimental items like old photographs, letters, or keepsakes.
  • Keep the items that truly hold sentimental value and bring you joy.
  • Consider finding creative ways to display or store these sentimental pieces.

Day 25: Craft or Hobby Supplies

  • Declutter your craft or hobby supplies.
  • Discard dried-out paints, broken tools, or materials you no longer use.
  • Organise the remaining supplies in a way that makes them easily accessible for your projects.

Day 26: Bathroom Cabinets and Drawers

  • Empty out bathroom cabinets and drawers.
  • Discard expired or unused toiletries, medications, and cosmetics.
  • Organise the remaining items, using containers or dividers to keep things tidy.

Day 27: Cookware and Bakeware

  • Declutter your cookware and bakeware.
  • Assess items that are worn out, damaged, or no longer used.
  • Organise the remaining items in cabinets or drawers for easy access.

Day 28: Miscellaneous Items

  • Tackle miscellaneous items in your home that haven’t been addressed yet.
  • Sort through miscellaneous drawers or storage areas, decluttering and organising as you go.
  • Donate or discard items that have no purpose or value in your life.

Day 29: Final Touches

  • Take a step back and evaluate your decluttered spaces.
  • Make any final adjustments or organisation tweaks as needed.
  • Enjoy the feeling of a clutter-free environment.

Day 30: Reflection and Maintenance

  • Reflect on your decluttering journey and the benefits it has brought you.
  • Develop a plan for maintaining an organized and clutter-free home going forward.
  • Celebrate your accomplishment and reward yourself for completing the 30-Day Declutter Challenge.

Congratulations on completing the 30-Day Declutter Challenge! By dedicating time and effort each day for a month, you have transformed your living space and created a more organised and peaceful environment. Embrace the newfound sense of clarity and simplicity that comes with decluttering.

As you conclude the 30-Day Declutter Challenge, it’s crucial to remember that decluttering is an ongoing process, necessitating the maintenance of the habits you’ve cultivated throughout the challenge.

Regularly assess your belongings, practice mindful consumption, and continue to let go of things that no longer serve you.

Enjoy the benefits of a decluttered space and the positive impact it will have on your life.